Clinton New Jersey

The Clinton Years

By John R. Vollaro                  January 2006

    After discharge from the Navy, it was imperative for me to find a job to support our growing family. Alice and I chose the upstate area of New York as the focus of my job search because we wanted to settle in that area. By now however I was beginning to realize that my ability to plan for the future was far exceeded by my instinct for acting on fortuitous opportunities (sometimes known as dumb luck). So it was that I accepted a job with Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey rather than one with IBM in Fishkill NY. Fishkill would have fulfilled my grand plan but I followed my gut which led us to settle in Clinton New Jersey and settle we did.

    We lived in Clinton for nearly 35 years that were very good to us. Our years in Clinton were rich and fulfilling in so many ways. Two more children were born to us. I began a career that developed far beyond my expectations and in ways I had no right to expect. We became part of a church community and shared a period of unusual spiritual growth and fellowship in their midst. Friendships that we will cherish as long as we live developed there and we watched our children grow strong in body mind and spirit.

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