An article that appeared in the Waterville
(N.Y.) Times, October 11, 1861:
respondent of The Boston Journal says:
"There never was an army like this for cor-
respondence. Go through the camp at any
time, at any hour of the day, and you will
see hundreds of soldiers--when off duty--
writing letters. It is a picturesque sight.
Some lie at full length upon the ground, be-
neath the shade trees, with a book or knap-
sack for a table, with pen and ink--though
often only a pencil writing news to their
friends. Some sit upright against the
trunks of trees; some lean forward with
their hands upon their knees, and some with
much paintaking, stand up and write. The
average number of letters received for the
soldiers at the Washington post office is
forty-five thousand per day, and an equal
number are mailed--naking an aggregate
of ninety thousand envelopes and sheets of
paper per day. Of course the sale of en-
velopes is immense. One dealer informs
me this morning that the sale of envelopes
averaged fifty thousand per day. Yesterday
he sold one hundred thousand for Gen.
Bank's division."